How to fix: Broken external images

Updated on February 4th, 2025 at 12:22 am

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Issue: Broken external images don’t display properly, creating a poor user experience and signaling to search engines that your site may be poorly maintained.

Fix: Identify and fix broken external images by replacing them, removing them, or updating their URLs.

How to Fix for Beginners

  1. Replace Missing Images: If the external image is no longer available, find a new version of the image and replace the old one.
    • Example: <img src="" alt="Updated description">
  2. Update Moved Images: If the image has a new URL, update the link in your code to point to the new location.
    • Example: Change <img src=""> to <img src="">.
  3. Remove Unneeded Images: If the image isn’t essential, delete the <img> tag from your page to clean up your code.
    • Example: <img src="brokenimage.jpg" alt="Remove this"> → Remove this line.
  4. Test After Fixing: Use a browser or SEO tool to check that all external images are displaying properly.

Tip: Keeping all external images functional improves user trust, enhances experience, and avoids negative SEO impacts.


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